Morgan A Vickery
I am on the job market seeking TT Assistant Professorships in Learning Sciences, Instructional Design, and/or Learning Technologies.
What am I up to?
I am an aspiring learning scientist and experience designer with dreams of designing enabling, critical, and multimodal learning environments that recognize and honor youth's bodies.
Doctoral Candidate | Learning Sciences Program at Indiana University - Bloomington
Associate Instructor | EDUC-I 251 Learning Theories for Teachers & EDUC-M 101
Chair | International Learning Sciences Student Association
Graduate Research Assistant | Joshua Danish's RAPT Lab
Graduate Tutor | Writing Tutorial Services
Founder x Chief Technical Officer | LearnabilityHQ.com
UX/Digital Product Designer, Researcher, & Architect | Inquirium, LLC.
What do I research? How?
Body-Inclusive Activity
& Technology Design
Embodied & Multimodal Learning
Accessibility in UX
Bodily-Relational Autonomy
Social Construction of
Disability in Schools
Impacts of Trauma
& Body Image on Learning
- Sociocultural & Critical Theories
- Embodied Cognition
- Critical Disability Theory
- Trauma-Informed Pedagogies
- Phenomenology
- (Youth) Participatory Methods
- Qualitative Coding
- (Multimodal) Interaction & Video Analysis
- Mediated Discourse Analysis
- (Youth) Participatory Design
- User/Human-Centered Design
- Trauma-Informed Design
- Universal / Inclusive Design
- Design-Based Research
Featured Publications
Vickery, M.(In Press, 2025). Integrating Critical Theories for More Just Embodied Pedagogies. In Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education: Vol. 8 (Bodies and Different Abilities). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Vickery, M., & Danish, J.A. (Under Review). Realizations & Re-Mediations: Enabling Participation in Collective Embodied Activities for Children with Disabilities. Learning, Cultural, and Social Interaction.
Vickery, M., Cosic, L., Lauren, L. H., Chatain, J., Zhou, M., Steinberg, Selena, Muller, C., Reyes-Denis, T., Tancredi, S., Hussain, F. N., Xia, F., Humburg, M., Mathayas, N., & Love, C. (Under Review). Envisioning Embodiment: A Collective Re-Imagining for Multiplicity in Embodied Learning. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences—ISLS 2025, Helsinki, Finland
Tancredi, S. & Vickery, M. (2024). Learning for Every Body: Intersectional Dimensions of Embodied Learning (Symposium). Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences—ISLS 2024, Buffalo, New York, USA. Read Now
Vickery, M., Mathayas, N., & Danish, J.A. (2024). Being Body-Conscious: A Trauma-Informed Inquiry into Elementary Students’ Collective Embodied Learning Experiences. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences—ISLS 2024, Buffalo, New York, USA. Read Now
Vickery, M.(2023). Re-mediating Collective Embodied Learning Activities to Overcome Barriers to Participation for Learners with Disabilities. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences—ISLS 2023, Montreal, Canada. Read Now
Vickery, M.(2023). Who is Disabled? An Exploration of Production of Disabled Bodies in School Habitus. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences—ISLS 2023, Montreal, Canada. Read Now
Research Projects
A Critical Participatory Study of Body-Inclusive Embodied Activity
- Narratives of Embodied Expectations, Resistance, and Conformity
- A Critical Deconstruction of Embodied Activity
- A Framework for Body-Inclusive Embodied Activity
Lead Researcher | Advised by Joshua Danish
Re-Mediating Mixed-Reality for Kids with Disabilities
A summer camp for young campers with moderate-to-severe communication disorders - I iteratively designed, facilitated, and analyzed a series of mixed-reality embodied learning activities designed to enable multimodal participation, communication, and coordination between campers.
Lead Researcher | Advised by Joshua Danish
In the Science through Technology Enhanced Play (STEP) project and its successors (GEM-STEP, iSTEP, & PLAE), we investigate how elementary students engage in hybrid computational-embodied modeling to understand scientific phenomena (e.g., the working of forces, complex behaviors of bees). As the lead graduate assistant, I was the technical lead where I facilitated computational modeling and programming activities, was an embodied model/simulation designer and ‘GEMScript’ developer, and led the analysis of multiple conference papers.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2019 - Present
Co-PIs | Joshua Danish & Noel Enyedy
Cities on the Edge of War
This bespoke semester-long board and roleplaying game was developed to help undergraduate history students explore the period leading up to and during the Peloponnesian War. In my role, I supported data collection and analysis efforts.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2021 - Present
PI | Joshua Danish
The Representations for Teachers as Learners (RepTaL) project aims to better understand how elementary teachers think about representations as part of their science teaching. In this work, I supported the analysis, writing, and revisions of two journal manuscripts.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2022 - 2023
Co-PIs | Joshua Danish, Dionne Cross Francis,
Heidi Carlone, & Noel Enyedy
AT SETT Project
This project was an initiative within the Special Education department where I was responsible for leading the design, authorship, and development of online modules to support preservice teachers' understanding ofassistive technology integration into classrooms using Zabala's (2020) SETT framework.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2021 - 2022
PI | Tina O'Neal
This project explores how elementary students (5th grade) think about different kinds of evidence as important for helping them create and revise models of scientific phenomena via the boutique Model and Evidence Mapping Environment (MEME) software. I led the development of agent-based simulations, co-facilitated a 5-week elementary implementation, and led the analysis and writing for two publications.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2019 - 2021
Co-PIs | Joshua Danish, Cindy Hmelo-Silver,
Clark Chinn, &
CIT (Computation and Informatic Technologies) Education Research
This project evaluated and iterated on the instructional design of multiple undergraduate courses in computer science, database design and management, and informatics education in partnership with course instructors. I independently designed data collection measures, analyzed student performance data, and first-authored publications on flipped and active learning pedagogies in computing education.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2019 - 2022
PI | Shamima Mithun
FPG Child Development Institute | Research Intern
On the AFIRM (Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules) and CSESA (Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism) projects, I supported research on youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families, and community initiatives through development of online modules/videos, survey design and distribution, and quantitative data analyses.
Research Intern | 2019
Co-PIs | Kara Hume, Jessica Dykstra
Steinbrenner, & Ann Sam
Mindfulness in Human Development Project
This project investigated the mental, emotional, academic, and physical effects of implementing yoga and mindfulness practices in local public middle schools. I developed data collection measures, qualitatively coded video and text data, and directed/managed the 2019 Embodied Learning Summit at Duke University.
Research Assistant | 2018 – 2019
Co-PIs | Michele Berger & Keval Kaur Khalsa
Lead Designer & Developer
Lead Designer & Developer
Graduate Researcher & Designer
Graduate Researcher
Accessibility Consultant & Auditor
To& Through
Analytics Architect & Data Analyst
Medical Specialty Camp Literature Database
Lead Designer & Developer
Lead Designer & Developer
LS Graduate Student Association Site
Lead Designer & Developer
Technical Documentation Editor
LS Graduate Student Conference Site
Lead Designer & Developer